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10 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Mobile Impact Crusher

You work too hard to waste time working on your mobile impact crusher and spending money on wear parts. Follow 10 simple tips to avoid wasting materials, energy, money and time and dominate your jobsite.

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1. Manage your fines in your feed material

Excessive fines inside an impact crusher is like sandblasting. Your impactor wear parts such as hammers and wear plates will be chewed up quickly. To counter negative effects from fines mobile impact crushers have a built in pre-screen to bypass the crushing chamber or seggregate fines through a side conveyor.


2. Don't over feed your crusher

Over feeding an impact crusher will actually give the opposite effect of what you are probably trying to achieve. You want greater production right? Then over feeding is not the way to do it. Unlike jaw crushers impactors do not run on the choke fed theory. Jaws and cones need to be choke fed as they work on gravity and compression. Where as impact crushers work on actual impact force (inertia) from the rotor  and blow bars that impacts the rock. If you are over feeding the chamber you risk boggin down the crusher and limit the crushing force. Mobile impact crushers will self-regulate the feedspeed to counter these effects.



3. Level your crushing plant for even wear

A mobile impact crusher should always be set up on solid, level ground to ensurefor proper leveling and operation. Soft underground such as freshly packed dirt or aggregates will settle during operation, resulting in uneven leveling of the crushing plant. It is critical that the mobile impact crusher is not leveld to one side or the other as this will move the material to one side or the other. This will cause uneven and premature wear on one side of the hammers. Ultimately, it is more important for a mobile impact crusher to be leveled side to side rather than front to back, although both can have adverese effects on performance.


4. Use the right shovel

Using the right feed equipment and setup can make or break your crushing operation. Generally speaking, processing chunky material and slabs you want to use an excavator to feed an impact crusher. If the feed material is smaller in size and homogenous a wheel loader will work as well. Your bucket size is the main determinant for feed size. If you use a smaller bucket you will encounter fewer blockages. If the material is frequently oversized, it requires proper prep or upgrading your to a larger crusher.



5. Keep up with your material prep

Materials such as reinforced concrete or asphalt slabs should be sized properly before feeding it into the crusher. If material is too large, it leads to jamming or bridging at the crusher inlet. Generally, the maximum feed size should be 80% of the inlet opening to reduce risk of causing a jam. A hydraulic or mechanical pulverizer or hydraulic hammer can be used to reduce material in size. The pre-processing of material allows you to sort through your material and set uncrushables aside.





6. Check your blow bars regularly

Hammers or blow bars wear over time (become shorter) which will increase your closed side setting (CSS). Checking your wear allows you to reset the appropriate CSS, check for damages, and order wear parts in time. If you wear your blow bars all the way down to the rotor you risk major damages and repair costs. It is recommended to open the crusher box once a day to check your consumables and clear your crusher box from objects that got stuck.


7. Maintain constant feed

Cosistancy is the key to success. Impactors should be consistently fed with material accross the entire with of the inlet opening to increase rock on rock crushing. This will increase production and reduce wear. To achieve a consistant flow of material your process elements feed material, excavator, crushing, and stockpiling need to be in-synch.

8. Select the right hammers

Using the right metallurgical composition of hammers for each respective application is critical to achieve low wear costs.

Cast Hammers with Ceramics

Multi purpose hammers with highly wear resistant ceramic inlays. This type hammer is ideal for operators that process reinforced concrete, large rock, and a large variety of materials.

Cast Chrome Hammers

Cast chrome hammers are harder and more brittal. Thus, more sensitive against impacts resulting from uncrushables. Ideal for crushing asphalt or in secondary crushing applications.

Cast Chrome Hammers with Cermic Inlays

Cast chrome hammers with ceramic inlays are harder and more brittal. Thus, more sensitive against impacts resulting from uncrushables. Ceramic inlays will increase the wear life of this type hammer.



9. Elevate your excavator

Make sure that the excavator is situated high enough so that the operator can see inside the hopper. This allows for better material control and fewer blockages. However, do not place yourself directly behind the impactor to avoid any injuries from stones rickocheting out of the crusher.


10. Have trained operators run your crusher

Crushing requires experience. Make sure to get trained properly through the manufacturer or dealer so that you can get the most out of your machine and avoid any damages or injuries.

Impact Crushers RUBBLE MASTER offers a range of mobile impact crusher for recycling and processing natural rock.
Inlet opening
Transport dimension
RM 120X Mobile Impactor RM 120X
Impact Crusher
up to 350 tph up to 385 TPH
1,160 x 820 mm 46" x 32"
16,180 x 2,990 x 3,600 mm 52‘10” x 9‘11” x 10‘6“
44,000 kg 95,000 lbs
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RM 100GO! Tracked Impact Crusher RM 100GO!
Impact Crusher
up to 250 tph up to 275 TPH
950 x 700 mm 37" x 28"
14,700 x 2,860 x 3,155 mm 48'3" x 9'5" x 10'5"
33,600 kg 74,500 lbs
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RM 90GO! Compact Crusher RM 90GO!
Impact Crusher
up to 200 tph up to 220 TPH
860 x 650 mm 34" x 25"
13,470 x 2,550 x 3,050 mm 44'2" x 8'5" x 10'
28,400 kg 62,500 lbs
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RM 70GO! Compact Crusher RM 70GO! 2.0
Impact Crusher
up to 150 tph up to 165 TPH
760 x 600 mm 30" x 23"
13,300 x 2,360 x 3,100 43'8" x 7'9" x 10'2"
24,200 kg 53,400 lbs
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RM V550GO! Hard Rock Crusher RM V550GO!
Impact Crusher
up to 200 tph up to 200 TPH
950 X 480 mm 3 x 1.5 ft
11,500 x 2,500 x 3,170 mm 37'9" x 8'3" x 10'5"
33,000 kg 75,000 lbs
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