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How to order aggregate replacement screens for your mobile screening plant?

Everything you need to know before you call.

Get the right aggregate replacement screens without running in circles.



Maximize production

Avoid waiting for call-backs and get important facts faster so that you minimize downtime, and maximize production.

Smooth material flow

Minimize friction

Reduce blinding, pegging, premature wear, and navigate the material processing minefield successfully.


Turn a bigger profit

A smooth material flow and improved throughput yield more profits.



Without the right screen media you waste money

Screen media can make a difference between 100 TPH and 200 TPH. You often find yourself resolving issues rather than feeding the screening plant. In the worst case, your finished product is contaminated, and your hard work is wasted.


With many screening plants out there it is hard for suppliers know your specific configuration. Consider the following practical tips before ordering your aggregate replacement screens.


Specify opening or mesh count, screen type, wire diameter and alloy required (stainless steel, high carbon / low carbon alloy).

Depending on the aggregate you’re screening, you chose your alloy. High carbon screens struggle with processing wet materials because of the likelihod of sticking. Stainless steel has proven to be better for sticky or wet materials. The overall weight of the feed material and corrosiveness also have an impact on the wire diameter. The heavier the material the thicker and heavier the screen media.

Your screening expert can help you with sepcifying the aggregate replacement screen. The aim of the game is to maximize surface aperture without limiting your wear life and strength so that material can pass through. The open area varies with the screen media type and affects your screen capacity.

The more open area the more screening capacity

On mobile screening plants with mutliple decks such as on scalping screens or incline screens, the relation of open area and material gradaition between the decks needs to be balanced.


Provide the finished dimension of each screen panel and number of panels required. Keep in mind that not all panels are the same size on mobile material processing plants. Mobile screening plants often use flat screens with hooked edges. You need to determine the screen length and its OCW (outside clamping width) or ICW (inside clamping width) in inches.

To get the dimensions you can...

  • check the OEM equipment manual
  • measure your old screen and make sure you measure the bend and not a straight line
  • measure the clear width between the screen-box side plates and substract 1" to  1½" to determine the OCW
  • overall screenbox size

If a slotted opening is required, the direction of the slots should be specified in relation to the hook strips. Number of shoot wires should also be specified (most common is single shoot and triple shoot).

Specify the hook types and material, and advise any special conditions such as : end tension, welded hooks, one hook up & one hook down or 2 hooks up.

  • Mild Steel
  • Galvanized Steel
  • Stainless Steel
screen media inside a scalping screen

Endtensioned with Tensioning BarX

Proper screen size and tensioning are critical for effective screening and longer screen life. Banded edges strengthen hooked edges and provide even tensioning across the screen.

Side Tensioned BoltedX

Proper screen size and tensioning are critical for effective screening and longer screen life. Banded edges strengthen hooked edges and provide even tensioning across the screen.

Related Screens RUBBLE MASTER offers Scalping Screens and Incline Screens for the processing of aggregates, sand & gravel, soils, asphalt millings, and more.
Conveyor length
Screen angle
RM MSC8500M-3D Incline Screen RM MSC8500M
Tracked Incline Screen
up to 400 tph up to 440 TPH
5,485 x 1,525 mm 5 x 18 ft
20 - 30° 20 - 30°
learn more
RM MSC10500M-2D Incline Screen RM MSC10500M
Tracked Incline Screen
up to 450 tph up to 500 TPH
6,700 x 1,525 mm 5 x 22 ft
20° - 30° 20° - 30°
learn more
RM HS3500M Scalping Screen RM HS3500M
Mobile Scalping Screen
up to 200 tph up to 220 TPH
2,743 x 1,220 mm 4 x 9 ft
14° 14°
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RM HS5000M Mobile Scalper RM HS5000M
Mobile Scalping Screen
up to 300 tph up to 330 TPH
3,660 x 1,420 mm 5 x 12 ft
15° - 20° 15° - 20°
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RM HS7500M Mobile Scalper RM HS7500M
Mobile Scalping Screen
up to 450 tph up to 496 TPH
4,880 x 1,525 mm 5 x 16 ft
15°-20° 15°-20°
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RM HS11000M Portable Screener RM HS11000M
Mobile Scalping Screen
up to 600 tph up to 661 TPH
18,300 x 6,100 mm 6 x 20 ft
13° - 17° 13° - 17°
learn more