Concrete Washout Recycling
Turn concrete washout into quality aggregates for sale.
Turn concrete washout into quality aggregates for sale.
Turn concrete washout into quality aggregates for sale.
Meet us at the World of Asphalt/Agg1 2025 in St. Louis, MO - March 25-27, 2025
Hardened concrete washout is an inert waste material. RUBBLE MASTER mobile crushers help contractors and ready-mix plants to recycle their stockpiled concrete to a valuable aggregate material so that you make more money with excess material.
Crush your stockpiled material with a mobile impact crusher to make more money with existing resources.
Concrete washout material is easy to crush and does not contain any contaminents. Haul profits instead of waste.
Keep your yard clean by processing your concrete washout materials frequently.
Without easy to operate equipment you’re struggling to run the equipment with a small crew, you are overwhelmed by the complexity, you are eating away at profit margin with outdated processes, and the growth of your company is being held back.
Many mobile crushers are heavy and burdensome to mobilize between plants. RUBBLE MASTER mobile compact crushers are easy to move so that you can service multiple plants with only one operator.
Move the crusher from concrete plant to concrete plant with ease.
From trailer to crushing in 15 minutes.
Simple operation requires only one operator to process your material pile.
"We've got about 14 concrete plants that we go crush for. It's automatic, it's kind of a big circle. And, I feel that for the size of the job that the RM 90GO! is perfect, one truck hauls it in and out. No special permits involved, fast set up and moves quickly,”
Matt Soddy, Superior Concrete
At RUBBLE MASTER, we don’t just care about the equipment - we care about what our equipment does for your team and for your bottom line.
We believe you shouldn’t have to keep losing money to high operation costs or wasting time with traditional material disposal processes. That’s why we help you take back control of your operation and dominate the jobsite with mobile crushers that make you money.
Since 1991, RUBBLE MASTER has brought numerous innovations to the market. We’re crushing & screening experts and work closely with contractors and aggregate producers world-wide.