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Top 5 Mistakes You Can Do as a Small Crusher Operator

Regardless if you operate a bucket crusher attachment, a small jaw crusher, or a compact crusher. Every machine has its limits and there is the right crusher for every job. If you don't know the limits of your small crusher you are bleeding money to downtime and high repair costs. The good news is that you don't have to run into those issues if you consider the following candid points.

1. Trying to do large crushing jobs with a small crusher

You can always do a small job with a large machine but the other way around is difficult. Trying to do a large job with a small crusher will take forever because you are limited with the overall capacity of your small crusher but also the prep takes longer when you need to prep Vollkswagen size concrete slabs down to 15" and smaller pieces with a hydraulic hammer or concrete pulverizer.

Let's compare a 2,000 ton concrete job with rebar to be done with a small jaw crusher and an impact style comapct crusher.


  Small Jaw Crusher Compact Impact Crusher  
Production capacity (3" non-spec) 50 TPH 100 TPH  
Time to produce 2,000 tons 40 hours (6 days) 20 hours (23 days)  
Material feed size 15" 18"  
Time to prep material (assuming 1 days of crushing = 1 day of prep ) 48 hours 24 hours  
Total excavator time needed for prep+feed 88 hours 44 hours  
Feed tool 15 ton excavator 20 ton excavator  
Cost to rent excavator incl operator 100 $ / hour 120 $ / hour  
Total cost to feed the cruhser $8,800 $5,280  


The cost to get the material phsyically through the small crusher outweighs the savings in mobilization or wear (jaw vs impact crusher). Using the right size machine gives you back valuable time to make money on other projects. The same hold true for trying to do a 300,000 tons job with a Compact Crusher. At this point you definetly want to consider a crushing spread over an individual mobile unit.

2. Failing to prep material before crushing

Crushing is all about material prep and logistics. If you can't feed your crusher constantly, you are losing production and you start losing money to interruptions as a result of blockages. A constant feed ensures a smooth and even wear pattern and maximizes rock-on-rock crushing.

There are several ways to prepare materials for your crusher

  • Hydraulic hammers are ideal for sizing and breaking rock
  • Mechanical pulverizers can be utilized to prep a concrete pile with lots of flatwork
  • Hydraulic pulverizers are good for demolition and concrete with lots of rebar
  • Adjusting the blast pattern that yields smaller rocks
  • Using a primary jaw crusher to reduce the amount of prep necessary
  • Asphalt can be broken up with a bucket


If you can't prep the material it is recommended to set oversize pieces aside.

3. Flip-flopping operators

Event though small crushers are often simpler than its bigger counterparts operators have to know the equipment because a crusher can't be feed like a dump truck. Operators can make or break your crushing operation. If you put different operatos on the machine you risk damages and can't get the most out of your machine. Trained operators will know your small crusher and listen for unusual noises and watch out for problematic feed material before it enters the crusher.

Check out our crusher operator job descirption template to hire a crusher operator.

RUBBLE MASTER compact crushers are delivered with an on-site start-up training so that you get the most out of your machine.

4. Renting your small crusher without your operator

Even worse than flip-flopping operators is renting out your small crusher without your operator. It is tempting to loan your machine because the demand is high and there are many contractors out there who need just a small pile crushed. However, untrained operators can wreck your machine instantaneously - especially with a sentiment of "drive it like a rental car."

5. Using accessible platforms and conveyors as picking points for trash

It is tempting to have a ground laborer pick trash from conveyor belts and service platforms because everything is easily accessible on a small crusher. However, crushing is a violent process and can cause accidents with severe bodily injuries. Your limbs can get caught in conveyor belts and ricocheting rocks can take out your eyesight. If you allow ground guys to be on top of machines or pick material from conveyor belts or screen boxes while running you risk their safety. Start-up training on new machines will educate you on the safety features. If you have a new crew and require training you can book an on-site operator training.


Do you want to learn more on how to get started with a small crusher?

In this FREE 45-minute masterclass, you’ll learn from an experienced panel of contractors just like you who own crushers. RUBBLE MASTER has helped thousands of contractors get started with material processing, boost their profits, and grow their business.

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Small Crushers RUBBLE MASTER is the global market leader for mobile compact crushers.
Inlet opening
Transport dimension
RM 120X Mobile Impactor RM 120X
Impact Crusher
up to 350 tph up to 385 TPH
1,160 x 820 mm 46" x 32"
16,180 x 2,990 x 3,600 mm 52‘10” x 9‘11” x 10‘6“
44,000 kg 95,000 lbs
learn more
RM 100GO! Tracked Impact Crusher RM 100GO!
Impact Crusher
up to 250 tph up to 275 TPH
950 x 700 mm 37" x 28"
14,700 x 2,860 x 3,155 mm 48'3" x 9'5" x 10'5"
33,600 kg 74,500 lbs
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RM 90GO! Compact Crusher RM 90GO!
Impact Crusher
up to 200 tph up to 220 TPH
860 x 650 mm 34" x 25"
13,470 x 2,550 x 3,050 mm 44'2" x 8'5" x 10'
28,400 kg 62,500 lbs
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Less than 8' wide
RM 70GO! Compact Crusher RM 70GO! 2.0
Impact Crusher
up to 150 tph up to 165 TPH
760 x 600 mm 30" x 23"
13,300 x 2,360 x 3,100 43'8" x 7'9" x 10'2"
24,200 kg 53,400 lbs
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RM V550GO! Hard Rock Crusher RM V550GO!
Impact Crusher
up to 200 tph up to 200 TPH
950 X 480 mm 3 x 1.5 ft
11,500 x 2,500 x 3,170 mm 37'9" x 8'3" x 10'5"
33,000 kg 75,000 lbs
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