Sizing Up Success: Choosing the Right Excavator for Your Compact Mobile Crusher
Uptime is the Key to Maximize Production
A smooth material flow makes you more money. If you must stop because of a material blockage or to fetch more material, you lose production and money. The right size excavator is important to get the most out of your compact mobile crusher.
Feeding a compact mobile crusher with an excavator is recommended because you have more control over your material.
Feeding with an excavator allows you to see what’s in the bucket visually and set uncrushable objects aside. It also reduces the material bed depth in the hopper to catch any uncrushables before they go into the compact mobile crusher.
You can use a wheel loader in case your feed material is small, homogenous, and free from contaminants. A wheel loader works well with sand & gravel, asphalt millings, or crushed aggregates.
A RM 70GO! Compact Crusher or RM 90GO! Compact Crusher are best fed with a 14-17 ton excavator with a 36” bucket and a thumb. The bucket width limits the maximum feed size and bed depth so that you avoid interruptions through blockages or uncrushables. The thumb allows you to set oversize material aside and sort through the pile efficiently. This class excavator gives you enough reach to maintain a continuous material flow.
Other recommended excavator options are a quick coupler and a hammer or pulverizer to preprocess materials.